17.05.2014 :: PUM > Shuman fortune cookies

For the “Fête du Pain” at the Roind-Point-Shuman, PUM participated at the the “Coordination Associative”s information table and “Quartiers Pour l’Europe” scale model.

We brought our books, documents and …
8 homebaked Fortune Cookies
IMG_2806 [meet the family who was able to eat most of our cookies in a record of time!]
64 homebaked muffins

and 21 russian cigars

All cookies contained hidden messages
In 2 hours time we spread our preacious PUM word !

PULouPUM_FR NRU_EN Aujdh-Demain_NLIMG_2801IMG_2812 IMG_2808 IMG_2805 IMG_2804 IMG_2803 IMG_2802

see also:
“Europe en Quartiers / Wijken voor Europa” which is the basis of the scale model made by the neighbourhood committees in 1997. It pointed out the importance of the axe of the Maelbeek valley for the quality of life in the neighbourhood – which is more than important again today!

Publication on the history of “Community Organisation in the European Neighbourhood in Brussels” edited by Bral vzw – download via this link

related article “zoom-in sur maquette “Europe en Quartiers” (1997) • de “wijken voor europa” maquette van onder het stof gehaald”: http://www.pumcollectif.org/?p=1636